Good Governance: Between Paradigm and Reality

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Published: 13 May 2019 | Article Type :


Good governance is gradually being seen as panacea for developing countries and considered as a holistic approach for development in the development debate. The concept of good governance has been promoted, especially by the international development community i.e., World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and United Nations Development Programme. The concept of „good governance‟ has some of the following effective dimension, which are among all, namely : public accountability and transparency, the role of law, anti-corruption measures, civil society participation in development, and overall respect to human right. Therefore, in the implementation, a good governance concept should involves the active cooperation of three elements, which are : government, civil society, and business sector. 

Keywords: Good Governance, State Intervention, Accountability, Civil Society.

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PrijonoTjiptoherijanto. (2019-05-13). "Good Governance: Between Paradigm and Reality." *Volume 1*, 2, 36-43